The art on this site is from various anime shows, as you've probably noticed. I'm sure i'm not the only one who does
this, but i make my characters from other animes. It's actually very easy, once you try it for a while. I do not intend on
posting these on fanarts, or drawing contest sites. These i just do for fun. Please DO NOT steal
any of these, and if you wish to take one, please COME TO ME FIRST before saving it to your
computer, and i'll decide wether or not you can take it. But, if anyone does steal these and puts them on a site, and i find
out about it, you will be banned from here. Here are some of the animes i use to make the drawings
on this site:
Weiz Kreuz
Sailor Moon
Marmalade Boy
And some others, but those are the main ones i use. Thank you for coming! ^^